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Outstanding Qualities

  • Warm season production
  • Very early maturing with a high yield potential
  • Excellent uniformity, external qualities and length
  • Vigorous foliage complemented with a strong leaf attachment
  • Excellent disease resistance package

Nativa is a very early maturing, hybrid Brasilia-type carrot, suitable for summer production. Nativa produces high quality, smooth, cylindrical and uniform roots with a deep orange external and internal colour. Nativa is not prone to producing green shoulders. Nativa has a vigorous foliage with claimed intermediate resistance against powdery mildew/Eh (Erysiphe heraclei) and Alternaria leaf blight/Ad (Alternaria dauci) and in addition, high resistance against root knot nematode/Mj (Meloidogyne javanica). Nativa is ideal for the bunched, pre-packing and processing markets.

Special Varietal Requirements

  • Suitable for summer sowing, but we suggest trialling in specific areas to determine adaptability
  • Due to Nativa’s early maturity and vigour, nitrogen requirements are lower compared to standard varieties
  • Because Nativa is very early maturing, the harvesting of the roots must be manage i.e. on time when roots are matured – this will ensure high quality roots by lowering the risk of cracked, unmarketable roots and bolting plants
  • Contact a Sakata area representative for a local carrot sowing guide
CharacteristicNativa F1 Hybrid Carrot 
KindF1 Hybrid Carrot  (Daucus carotaL.)
Sowing SeasonSummer: December to first week March (trial in specific areas to determine adaptability)
MaturityVery early. Warm season: 85 – 95 days from sowing. Cool season (late summer sowing): 105 – 120 days from sowing
Root DimensionsLength: 20 – 25 cm. Diameter at the top (shoulder): 2.0 – 3.5 cm Note: Root size is influenced by the plant population
Root Shape and TipCylindrical with a rounded to semi-blunt/slightly tapered tip (Cylindroconical shape)
Roof Uniformity (Shape and Size)Very good
External Root ColourDeep orange
Internal Root ColourDeep orange
Root Core Colour and SizeDeep orange and medium sized
Root Skin smoothnessVery smooth
Root taste/BRIX (Sugar Content)Sweet, average BRIX
Top/Foliage Health and HabitVery strong with erect foliage
Top/Foliage HeightHigh/tall, 30 – 35 cm
Top/Foliage ColourPale to light green
Leaf AttachmentStrong, suitable for hand and mechanical harvesting
Bolting ReactionMedium – average bolting tolerance
Disease Restistance (Scientific)High resistance: Meloidogyne javanica (Mj). Intermediate resistance: Alternaria dauci (Ad) and Erysiphe heraclei (Eh)
Field Holding AbilityAverage
Yield PotentialVery high – excellent
Suggested Sowing DensityDensity depends on the season, size requirement of the roots and the target market/uses of the final product, however we suggest:
Pre-pack carrots: 900 000 – 1 300 000 seeds per hectare
Processing/larger sized carrots: 600 000 – 900 000 seeds per hectare
End UseBunched, pre-pack, fresh market, bulk and processing

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